Thursday, March 27, 2014


And blue in through the blueness, and the blackness, the winds swirling through the air...

Van Gogh describing the night sky, or my new vest? W-Day is fast approaching, and there's so much left on the checklist to be done! Right now, clothes are being picked out, dear readers, selected and mixed and matched. Sarah thinks it's a little overwhelming. I can't blame her - she just went through something similar with her wedding dress, and then the dresses for her bridesmaids - *ahem* her "Ladies of Awesome". However, I find it kind of fun. Maybe because it's for me, and most of the clothes shopping I do for myself is very utilitarian - cargo shorts/pants in a non-offensive color that fit? Boom. Done.

Shopping for the wedding is a little different. Much fancier. So many options, all of which would look awesome all together (well, most would, anyway). We have an idea of what we're looking for, and though we'd like to buy everything through George's Apparel, I also know there are other places we can shop. Sarah is looking for a light grey suit, with a navy blue vest, which we find, and...I don't like it. I suggest charcoal grey, with a more vivid vest.

Eventually, Bobbie gets free and helps us out. I try on the light grey coat. I try on the charcoal grey coat. Which looks better? Let's put it this way - I may not get dressed up often, and I may not be a guy who obsesses over his appearance, but I generally know what is going to look good on me.

And I wasn't wrong this time.

Aw yeah, dark grey suits, all around! Well, at least just for me and my Groomsvengers.
Once that was settled, we started flipping through the books. Oh those dreaded books! Once again, though, fun for me, if for no other reason than to look at the stupid poses of the models. Seriously, can't they just stand there like a normal human being? I'm pretty sure you could remove the fabric swatches and these books could be mail-order gigolo catalogs.

Anyway, Debbie showed us a royal blue, and one of the patterns caught my eye. I hesitated a moment before pointing it out, as I'm not really a fan of paisley. Fortunately, what I picked out wasn't paisley, it was tapestry. It looks like paisley, but it is not. There is a difference. And, if you call it paisley, Sarah will bop you lightly on the nose and say, "No. It is tapestry." At any rate, they didn't actually have the vest in stock, so they ordered one for us. I'm anxious for it to come in, so that we can see it in person. Fast forward a few weeks, and bam, sexyvest.

We started The Folder, and began the process of ordering up a crop of suits (The Groomsvengers will be wearing simpler vest, but they'll still look awesome). One more item to check off the list! Just 12,314 more! (Rough estimate.)


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