Friday, February 14, 2014

Things I Never Thought I'd Say on Valentine's Day

For those of you who know me well, the following statement may seem like old hat, but for those who don't: I DON'T LIKE VALENTINE'S DAY. I think the media and big business have convinced the public that your self-worth is tied to being in a relationship and if you aren't in one, you should feel like less of a person on this day. Nevermind that there are many happily single people out there (of both genders) who have great personal and professional accomplishments that have nothing to do with their relationship status. Nevermind people who, for whatever reason - personal, social, political - are forced to live a single life. Valentine's Day is crap. Its saccharine cards, candy boxes, and atmosphere are fake and meaningless if it is the only day out of the year you show affection for others.

Anyway...on this Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day, 2014, I bought my wedding dress. There we have it. One of the last big purchases prior to the wedding. It's crimson. It's gorgeous. I'm excited! (grinning like a fool and giggling levels of excited).

For the record, I was supposed to buy it yesterday, but my appointment was cancelled due to the snow storm.

p.s. I updated the page entitled "Wedding Info" with attire information if you're interested in what you should wear.

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