Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sometimes, it's ok to be a follower!

So, we've been hearing from people that they've been getting their Save The Date cards already, which is awesome. While you're busy saving the date, you can also now stay up-to-date on all of our brilliant missives as we plan and execute what is sure to be the most wedding-of-Sarah-and-Matt-y wedding of Sarah and Matt ever. Over on the right hand side of the page, you can enter your e-mail to receive a little reminder every time we share something on here. For the more rss-reader-savvy, you can subscribe to posts.

Also, if you need to get in touch with us about the wedding, or the hotel, or just want to ask us some random bit of trivia that you were too lazy to research on Wikipedia, there is now a contact form in the sidebar, for all of your burning questions, as well as comments you didn't feel were appropriate for the public comments section (just remember that both Sarah and I get copies of whatever is sent).


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

While I have yet to write about the trials and tribulations of the Save the Dates - and there were a few - I wanted to post here that we have updated the Hotel Info page with information on both The Three Chimneys (where Matt and I will be lodging and the BIG EVENT is happening on should be somewhat aware of this event if you're on this page) as well as the Holiday Inn Express, which has graciously also offered us a room block. Please click on the "Hotel Info" tab above to check out information on sleeping spots!

Monday, December 9, 2013

I am a leaf on the wind...

Well, I am not a leaf, but the Save the Date cards are. Ok, this sounds like I tossed them off our balcony and let the wind carry them, and...well, what if I did? What if I put my trust in the forces of nature, asking the spirit of the wind to carry the envelopes to their appropriate recipients, speedily and accurately? Isn't that just a little romantic? I think it could work. Provided you all live in our backyard. And in the apartment below us. Ok, so it was a bad plan. Hang on a minute.

Let me just clean these off.

Right, so after a great experience getting them printed (Colonial Printing - ask for Danielle), then a few arduous days of getting the addresses formatted and then the envelopes printed (in our apartment - ask for Sarah), they are out there, in the world, journeying to their destinations, carried by those brave men and women in blue (of the US Postal Service - ask for...stamps?) to the remote castles, dungeons, and jungle lairs of our friends and family. Also, to their apartments, condos, and houses. Mostly those last three.

If you're reading this, you've probably received yours. If you haven't received a Save the Date and managed to get here by some sort of black magic or lucky guess that we have a wedding website and what the name would be, nice job! If you're here because you just stumbled in here because you thought this was a blog about the wedding of Sarah Michelle Gellar to Matt Smith, I'm sorry, but that's not happening, except in some Buffy, The Vampire Slayer/Doctor Who crossover fanfic (which would probably be awesome, but I digress).

In any case, welcome to the site! More hotel info should be coming soon!
