Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Achievement - Get it Printed

So, we have the preliminary stuff done. We set a date. We booked a venue. We spent some time together, and made sure we actually kinda liked each other. Now it's time to get going on the meat of the planning. First step, ordering our friends and families around. By that, of course, I mean that Save the Date cards should be going out shortly. The cards that Sarah and I designed have gone to the printer, and I received word that they have begun printing. Soon, they should be back in our hands, then in our envelopes, then in our local post office, then in our guest's local post offices, then in our guest's mailboxes, then out of our envelopes, and (finally) in our guest's hands!

And then, everyone can start the countdown to W-Day.


It's that time of year again! Well, actually, it's that time of year for the first time ever for me (and, unless there's something no one has told me, for Sarah as well). Really, this should be the only time it's ever "that time of year" for us. This is getting away from me. I should start over.

Let's start over.

Let's start with a number. That number? 255. What is 255? Well, it's the largest register in an 8-bit computer system, but as this blog has very little to do with computers, that's kinda meaningless. If you convert it to hexadecimal, you get FF. Repeat that three times, put a hashtag in front of it, and you get #FFFFFF, the hex code for the color white. Convert it to binary, and...we'll come back to that.

255...days? What is in 255 days? Let's see, that's about 36 days, which is about 9 months. Nine months from now is August. 255 days from now is August 9th. That's our wedding day! W-Day in W-255!

That's right: there are just 255 days until Sarah and I approach the...well, it won't be an altar, per se. More of a stone. Rings will be exchanged, as will vows. And kisses. Then, there will be dancing. Seriously, no food if you don't dance. We're not trying to be mean, but that stuff is terrible for you. This is for your own good. Ok, we can't really hold food from you for refusing to dance, but we will be dancing, so if you're worried about looking foolish out on the dance floor, well, then you've never seen me dance.

Anyway, we decided it's about time we got off our lazy behinds and started planning this shindig in earnest. I've also just decided to never use the term "shindig" again. So, we've started a blog. Here, you'll find information on the hotel, the ceremony, the people involved, our progress, and, most likely from my posts, random bits of trivia like the fact that Bakelite was invented in 1907 by Leo Hendrik Baekeland. So, be sure to subscribe (via the link at the bottom of the page) to get updates, or bookmark the site and check back often!

Back to the binary conversion of 255, it is 11111111. So, you could say there are 11,111,111 days until the wedding. That's over 30,000 years! That's a long time! For us, I'm sure the 255 days will feel like 25, while for others, it will feel like 2500. The point is, all of these are sort of true, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint.